Samsung GALAXY S II - Samsung US | TVs - Tablets - Smartphones - Cameras - Laptops - hi~大家好,去年吐槽完男朋友,今年又來了。此為正常形態。 注:本帖所有照片均為一個人,請相信自己的眼睛。要吐槽的人太多,想想還有點小激動呢~從誰開始好呢,先從我媽開始吧。我媽的缺點就是無時無刻都在抓拍我的一言一行,她的理念是:不是刻意的pose最美,隨性。然後我在腦海裡腦補了自己這With the GALAXY S II in your hand, you will no longer be limited or 'contained' when it comes to enjoying your mobile life. The GALAXY S II will help you achieve what you want. Check out the GALAXY S II microsite(http://bit.ly/eCS6Nl) or Samsung Mobile Fa...