Samsung GALAXY S II (翻攝自Dcard) 昨天在Dcard看到一篇文,覺得太有教育意義了!一定要跟大家分享一下! 有位網友23號在Dcard上分享了他在超商看到店員超級冷靜睿智的處理一票屁孩, 事發經過是這樣的, 原po去超商買飲料,沒想到進去後看到6個大約國中生, 有一個甚至手上持棒球棍 在對店員叫囂With the GALAXY S II in your hand, you will no longer be limited or 'contained' when it comes to enjoying your mobile life. The GALAXY S II will help you achieve what you want. Check out the GALAXY S II microsite(http://bit.ly/eCS6Nl) or Samsung Mobile Fa...