Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 10.1 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 隨著《何以笙蕭默》的完結,劇中“霸道總裁”鍾漢良的各種吻戲也在社交媒體上走熱,其中不乏法式濕吻這樣的露骨片段。在近日熱播劇《千金女賊》的發布會上,劉愷威被問及與唐嫣拍吻戲和親熱戲時候表示,自己和楊冪都是專業人士,所以拍吻戲不需要向對方報備。果真如此嗎?影視劇中的吻戲、親熱戲The Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 10.1 is a 10.1-inch Android-based tablet computer produced and marketed by Samsung Electronics.[8] It belongs to the third generation of the Samsung Galaxy Tab series, which also includes a 7-inch and an 8-inch model, the Galaxy T...