Amazon.com : Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 (8-Inch, White) 2013 Model : Tablet Computers : Computers & Access▲抓到鱷魚啦!今晚可以好好爽啦!(source:zwnews) 具zwnews報導,非洲有三位兄弟,據傳被巫術給詛咒,從此性無能,這三位小兄弟因為苦惱這樣的狀態,竟聽信了當地的民俗解套做法,那就是「與母鱷魚交媾,便能重建雄風!」聽起來很瘋狂吧?小編只聽過拔獅子的鬃毛就可以長回自己的頭髮呀!還有在非洲Engage and entertain the entire family with the Galaxy Tab 3 8.0 tablet from Samsung. This thin, lightweight Android tablet features an 8-inch screen along with the same familiar interface as other Samsung Galaxy devices, making it easy to use. Use it to ...