Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 review - CNET - Product reviews and prices, software downloads, and tech news 貞操真的無所謂嗎?跟兩三個以上男人有過關係,到了第四個、第五個往後,人就完全“放開了”。 不僅性較隨便,對伴侶的寬容、對愛的付出也會打折扣。而對於愛而言,彼此的寬容、接納、為愛作出的奉獻是維繫愛的根本。沒有這些,彼此會不放心,這時你責怪男人嫌你沒有貞操,實在是冤枉他。 你說The Good The Samsung Galaxy Tab 3's light, comfortable design, myriad useful features, and bright colorful screen makes the 8-incher one of the best small tablets on the market. The Bad A price of $300 is a lot for any small tablet, and some features like...