Samsung GALAXY Tab 3 - OVERVIEW | SAMSUNG 這...原po太刺激了吧! 三人同床還敢亂來,少年太衝動了 對一個失戀的閃妹簡直太殘忍了Q_Q 閃妹真的太佛心還幫你們保密咧~ 好好幫他找到男朋友吧! --------------------------Dcard原文:被閃光的妹妹喝斥了...(微西斯)原po寒假的時候去了閃光家作客因為閃光家是小Slimmer for a Comfortable Fit in the Hand You will feel secure when grasping the GALAXY Tab 3 in your palm. Slimmer and narrower, ... Quick Guide to the Samsung Galaxy The world is buzzing about the Galaxy family. It's all here: performance, apps and ......