Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 8.0 connected to wifi but no internet - Page 2 - Android Forums at AndroidCentr 一名阿兵哥不幸被派到非洲 每天都過著無處發洩的生活 後來他看到了一隻駝鳥 他就想抓住他來發洩 可是問題來了...駝鳥跑的很快 於是阿兵哥就每天都在追駝鳥 後來有一天...一架飛機失事了 阿兵哥發現後趕過去救人 生還者只I am having the same problem with my Tab 3. It worked great for about 1/2 a day and quit. I got it going again for about 1/2 a day and it quit. Now I can't connect to the Internet even though I am connected to my home WIFI with a strong connection and it ...