Samsung MV900F Review: Overview - Steves Digicams 看看哪種求愛方法最得女人親睞吧! □ 單刀直入 大多數女性喜歡直率的表達,雖然她們會對初次約會就直率的表達有點不好意思,但她們卻會覺得這樣的男性充滿魅力 ,而對單刀直入的表達難以拒絕。相反,她們討厭那種說法拐彎抹角、吞吞吐吐、欲言又止,過分含蓄的男性。法國《女性》雜誌 的一項研究就很能說明Since the MV900F is designed for self portraits, so let me ask you this: have you ever set up a shot for your friends, but later realized the framing wasn't as exact as you'd like? Thanks to Gesture Shot, the Samsung MV900F can be controlled by the wave o...