Samsung MV900F Review: Overview - Steves Digicams 導讀:你能想像,40歲的媽媽和18歲的女兒就像雙胞胎嗎?近日這組看似雙胞胎的母女同台熱舞的組圖驚呆網友! 近日一組40歲母親和18歲女兒同台熱舞的組圖驚呆網友!兩母女看起來像一對雙胞胎。據悉,這位叫龐濤的母親身Since the MV900F is designed for self portraits, so let me ask you this: have you ever set up a shot for your friends, but later realized the framing wasn't as exact as you'd like? Thanks to Gesture Shot, the Samsung MV900F can be controlled by the wave o...