Samsung Galaxy S5 Concept Revealed: Curved 5.25-inch Display [VIDEO] Release Date, Specs Rumors : Te 1、我永遠都不會原諒妳(那情侶在一起還有什麼意義呢?) 2、我的事不是妳的事(那男的有當女的是他的女朋友嗎) 3、要分就分,隨便妳(那麼輕易把分手掛嘴邊,你到底愛你的女朋友嗎?) 4、妳買給我的東西我不會用,不要拿來,就算妳塞給我,我也不會動(你女友的心意你難道不知道嗎?) 5、我根本不想跟妳吵,A new Samsung Galaxy S5 concept has released that incorporates a 5.25-inch curved display with the faux leather featured in the Galaxy Note 3. The handset concept, which comes from designer Ivo Maric, is housed in an aluminum casing and lacks a home butto...