Samsung SmartView for iPad on the App Store on iTunes張柏芝跟家人的感情向來要好,人所皆知,但要好的程度竟然可以跟弟弟肉帛相見,毫不尷尬,可真讓大家對這家人的感情維繫方式大開眼界。 昨日柏芝接受小S和蔡康永主持的節目《康熙來了》的訪問時,大談與父母和弟弟的相處之道,尤其姊弟間的感情分外親切,彼此坦誠相對,無所不談。當小S問 到柏芝與弟弟坦誠到什麼程度時... app for Samsung Smart TV/AV devices. With this app, you can enjoy TV screen on your iPad or you can control your Samsung TV with your iPad. To use this app, your TV/AV and iPad must be within the same Wi-fi network. [Main Features]Control your It ......