熱血運動坊 英挺身材由這來│尤物雜誌
Samuel Nicholas - US Marine Corps - American Revolution - Marines Birthday@words by 鄭匡寓@photos by 馬壅@styling by 許宜惠@model:CoCo 利用複合性運動鍛鍊上半身身型。 上班工時越來越長的現代人,幾乎夜晚都只能留給家人及電視機。運動的時間相對少了,健康也同樣欠缺了。好朋友嚷嚷著最近腰痠背痛得厲害、連舉手轉身都感覺身體的負擔。年紀慢Major Samuel Nicholas was the first commissioned officer in the history of the US Marine Corps. Samuel Nicholas entered the service in 1775 during the American Revolution. Seeing action during the conflict, Samuel Nicholas effectively served as the first ...