San Francisco Bay Area Independent Media Center最近,西南石油大學發起了「石大美人志」的票選活動,在大三的陳妮娜因長相絕美,氣質驚人,且酷似韓國人氣女星全智賢而人氣高漲,被網友稱為「最美大學校花」。 真的太美了~~好有氣質,五官又精緻,身為男人的小編已戀愛~~~ 圖片來源:陳妮娜On July 1, hundreds came together in spirit, unity, and love to transform the unacceptable destruction of the mural on the outside wall of Galeria de La Raza in the Mission District of San Francisco. The mural installed by the Los Angeles Maricon Collecti...