《LoveLive 》學園偶像團體「μ’s」上海見面會大成功 3月來台會粉絲!
SanDisk Extreme PRO Solid State Drives (SSD)出自超夯作品《LoveLive!》的日本學園偶像團體「μ’s」,上週到上海舉辦了海外第一場的粉絲見面會,現場一萬多人反應相當熱烈,在台灣的個唱見面會《LoveLive! μ's Fan Meeting in Taipei ~Talk&Live~》,也即將在3月19日於南港展覽What does sustainable high performance mean? The performance numbers SanDisk makes public reflect the speed SanDisk Extreme PRO ® SSD maintains over time with sustained heavy use, not the peak it achieved for only a few seconds. This translates into ......