Sanuk® Official Site | Find Your Sanuks Here!會死喔!會死喔!會死喔!會死喔! 難道我的人生只能走到這一步嗎?難道我手上的生命線一直延伸到手背是 騙人的嗎?如果死了,死亡證明書上面是寫踩到河豚,那也太好笑了吧? 我只聽過有人吃河豚中毒而死,還沒聽過踩到河豚死掉的!好吧,我承認 我有點嚇到了,可是我啥都沒帶Sanuk Spring Collection is Here! Keep Your Feet Styling and Your Toes Smiling! Free Shipping $45+. They’re not shoes, they’re sandals! ... Time for Some New Sandals? Fraid So. The weather is getting warmer and soon summer will be here. Does that mean it’s...