SAP ERP HCM wage types, pay structures and master data maintenance 模特往往都是容貌出眾的,但是也並不總是如此。比如有個泰國女孩Maeya,就完全不符合一般人心目中「模特」的標準 厚嘴唇、兩眼分得很開、鼻樑扁平...從任何角度看都和美女沒有關係 據《泰國網》報道,Maeya今年19歲,因為丑得頗Wage types are used in Personnel Administration and Payroll for storing the amounts, rates, and time units of payments and deductions that are subsequently used in payroll processing to calculate an employee's pay. This excerpt from Discover SAP ERP HCM b...