sap fi substitution transaction

SAP substitution tcodes (Transaction Codes)現實生活中,沒有什麼事情是完美的,但是有些也太離譜了,不知道是不是設計師的腦袋壞掉了,一起看看吧,真的很奇葩。 1.光顧造型了,那個橡皮用起來也太費勁了 2.這算哪門子的無障礙通道 3.這不是抽屜,這是保險箱 4.設計者的靈感來自納粹標誌? 5.這是怎麼想的 6.請問誰要從那通過 7.故意的嗎 8.SAP substitution tcodes (Transaction Codes). Substitution Maintenance tcode - GGB1, Create Material Substitution tcode - VB11, Define Substitution tcode - OKC9, complete list of substitution tcodes ... ©, All Rights Reserved SAP and SAP .....


SAP substitution and validation tcodes (Transaction Codes)         SAP substitution and validation tcodes (Transaction Codes). C FI Maintain Table T001Q (Document) tcode - OBBH, Substitution Maintenance tcode - GGB1, Document Entry for Local Ledgers tcode - GB01, complete list of substitution and validation tcodes...


Substitution FI | SCN - SAP 1.圖文不符:無論內文寫什麼,照片都是不相干的自拍照。 2.做什麼都要打卡:建立自High地標「在我家馬桶上」、「在小公主的城堡」。3.一天發超多貼文:今天睡好晚哦、準備吃晚餐了、這間店今天居然沒開。4.太自戀:一次po好幾張自拍照,但角度表情都差不多。5.一直貼歌詞貼YouTube:歌曲聽了有共Hello Csaba, In the transaction OBBH, in the tables BKPFy BSEG for the boolean class 15, the field exclude is empty. The prerequisite is empty. I use a EXIT to verify the requirements, this is the code of the EXIT: exits-name = 'U900'. exits-param = c_exi...
