SAP PI for Beginners | SCN Step1.要滿臉的誠懇,最好帶點小嬌羞,再加點小委屈最好,這種表情可以對著鏡子練練,到時候就可以完美的表現出來。「親愛的,最近零花錢不夠了唉,資助一點吧~」 Step2.說完之後一定要瞪大眼睛顯示出你所有的期待,表現出他要是拒絕你你就要傷心死的樣子 Step3.看出他有遲疑,就要用這種眼神看著他When SAP PI moved from dual stack to single stack then these two adapters became part of the Java stack. The modified adapter engine is known as the Advance Adapter Engine and the two adapters are called the IDOC_AAE adapter and HTTP_AAE adapter ......