Export and download any file from SAS Enterprise Guide - The SAS Dummy (12/6新增) 在澳洲墨爾本的葡萄酒莊園舉辦浪漫婚禮隔天,余文樂在I.G.發文「畢生難忘的一個晚上」 ,並補上多張照片,大家才驚覺好哥兒們彭于晏也見證了這場婚禮,伴郎伴娘都是自己的好朋友。 「樂仔」余文樂今天在I.G.宣布結婚喜訊,PO了一張與交往1年的女友「Sarah」王棠云手勾手的STEP 2: Use Copy Files task to download the result The Copy Files task accepts SAS macro expressions. That's a key feature, as the macro variables we need are defined in the previous program step. Here's a screen shot of the task settings: This makes the ...