sas em interactive binning

How it works: Interactive HTML in JMP 11 - SAS Blogs - Connecting you to people, products & ideas fr兒子~屁不能亂放啊!!!! There are two ways to create interactive HTML files: from the JMP desktop or from a JSL script. ... I agree with Adam that this is a great feature. One of the first thing I tried after upgrading to JMP 11 was to save a graphbuilder report (with local data...


Paper 141-2012 Building Loss Given Default Scorecard Using Weight of Evidence Bins in SAS® Enterprisuilding Loss Given Default Scorecard Using Weight of Evidence ins in SAS® Enterprise Miner - Continued 3 In some jurisdictions, a monotonic relationship is required between predictors and risk. The binning process can be used to enforce this. The format o...


About Nodes :: Getting Started with SAS(R) Enterprise Miner(TM) 6.1想上天堂,就來用apple map吧^_^ Most SAS Enterprise Miner nodes are organized on tabs according to the SEMMA data mining methodology. There are also tabs for Credit Scoring and Utility node groups. Use the Credit Scoring nodes to score data models ......


Plotting the Corruption Perceptions Index with SAS設計這個的真是太有才了!!! A blog plotting the Corruption Perceptions Index 2014 on a SAS map. ... Now for the tough decision - how to color my map. I first tried the Proc Gmap default of quantile binning (where 1/5 of the countries were assigned to each color bin), but I didn't re...
