sata 1 ssd vs hdd

SSD固態硬碟 - SSD(SATA3) VS HDD(SATA) 請教 - 電腦討論區 - Mobile01老了...... 回應主題 1.已現在標榜SATA3單顆HDD讀寫超過SATA2實際上限的(約260MB/S)跟本沒有/或少之又少 2.同價錢/價位來說要容量就HDD/要速度就選SSD 3.SSD執行速度一定比HDD快~你不在乎那幾秒/毫秒的話~HDD也夠了...


SATA控制器發展十年回顧及效能評比(3)-Intel Z68以後各晶片 vs Marvell & ASM1061 各晶片 AHCI SSD 篇(圖多) - PCDVD數位科技 ...常常這樣...哈哈哈 延續前篇【SATA控制器發展十年回顧及效能評比(1)-Intel ICH10R以後各晶片 vs Marvell 91xx & 9230 Raid0 SSD篇】、【SATA控制器發展十年回顧及效能 評比(2)-Intel ICH10R以後各晶片 vs Marvell 91xx & 9230 Raid0 HD篇】, 由於不是每個人都會作到Raid,本篇轉 ......


HDD vs SSD with SATA 2? - Hard Drives - Storage 這支雨傘真的很酷炫,帥氣!Hey, My motherboard only supports sata 2. I want to buy a new harddrive and wanted to know which harddrive is the fastest. 1) 7200rpm WD Caviar Black 500GB 6Gbps 2) Corsair 240GB Force 3 SSD 6Gbp ... The onboard SATA II port theoretically will support ......


MB994SP-4SB-1_ToughArmor Series_2.5" HDD/SSD CAGES_ICY DOCK manufacturer Removable enclosure, Screwl不能開閃光燈,不然會瞎掉^_^ Introducing the Icy Dock ToughArmor MB994SP-4SB-1 Full Metal Quad Bay 2.5" SATA 6Gbps Hard Drive/SSD Hot Swap Mobile Rack Cage for use in a single 5.25" device bay. The MB994SP-4SB-1 is predicated off the incredibly popular MB994SP-4S, while taking ......


SSD Interface Comparison: PCI Express vs SATA現代人的新信仰 Introduction: Remember the old days? Back when you had to use that big fat PATA cable to connect your drives? As HDD technologies progressed; RPMs and cache size increased, controllers, and firmware matured, they finally replaced the old connection with ....


SSD vs. SATA 3.0 - Hard Drives - Storage - Tom's Hardware: Hardware News, Tests and Reviews兇手是...!!!!! SATA is Serial ATA - the cable where all the data goes through. It comes in three flavours: SATA1 or SATA/150 = 1,5Gbps or 150MB/s SATA2 or SATA/300 = 3,0Gbps or 300MB/s SATA3 or SATA/600 = 6,0Gbps or 600MB/s But even if the cable is capable of ......
