Speed difference between a SATA II & SATA III mechanical hard drive?被女朋友戴了綠帽子,估計很少有人能冷靜下來,尤其是女朋友和自己最好的朋友一起背叛了自己。而這位少年的報復真的讓北美人民震驚。最近一位美國少年Kane Zipperman在Twitter上當選了最熱PO主,就連一些明星也評論了。起因是他的EX劈腿他最好的朋友,然後求原諒。只不過…他拒絕的I know that SATA III (6gbps) speed is mainly seen in SSD drives but when hooked up to a SATA III motherboard, is there any speed difference when a SATA II and SATA III mechanical hard drive hooked up? or is the SATA III speed difference just seen in SSD d...