sata 3 gb

GRiC's BLOG (gric的部落格) | 分享大小事-SATA2與SATA-3效能差少? 開箱OCZ Vertex4探究竟、竟驚見1.39 GB/s以上傳輸率!(下) 已悲接下來就進入效能測試的重頭戲咯~! 還是要提醒支持與愛護台灣熊的朋友與讀者「台灣熊這次嘗試參加部落客百傑活動、看過熊的文章如果覺得熊夠用心,請您前往投下神聖的一票!謝謝您的支持~ 資訊類 與 綜合類 都分別可以...

全文閱讀 Western Digital 250 GB Scorpio Blue SATA 3 Gb/s 5400 RPM 8 MB Cache Bulk/OEM Notebook Ha 葛葛尊嚴何在  WD Scorpio Blue Hard Drives – Big capacity for portable computing. WD Scorpio Blue 2.5-inch SATA hard drives deliver ultra-quiet operation and low power consumption, making them the ideal drive for everyday notebook computing. In addition, these hard driv...


Serial ATA - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia一個婚姻結束的時候通常都會有後文。當Kevin Cotter十二年的妻子離開了他,他就充分的利用他多餘的時間展開了他的複仇行動。他的老婆搬走的時候把所有的東西都搬走了,除了她的婚紗。 當Kevin問他的前妻他應該怎麼處理這個婚紗的時候、他的前妻就說:”你想要他X的做什麼都可以。&rdquSerial ATA (SATA) is a computer bus interface that connects host bus adapters to mass storage devices such as hard disk drives and optical drives. Serial ATA replaces the older AT Attachment standard (later referred to as Parallel ATA or PATA), offering s...


SATA Rev III (6.0 Gb/s) Drive on SATA II (3.0 Gb/s) port [Solved] - SATA - Components以前,我以為宮裡的妃子都長這樣的     可是。。。現實古代卻是這樣。。。     電視裡的光緒瑾妃是這樣的     現實卻是這樣的     電視裡福晉是這樣的     現實卻是這樣   &So while I tried to do a google search for this particular topic, I was wondering if anyone found evidence that it mattered whether or not a standard mechanical hard drive was SATA III or SATA II. For example, a SATA III drive capable of 7200 RPM is the i...


Western Digital WD Blue WD800JD 80GB 7200 RPM 8MB Cache SATA 3.0Gb/s 3.5" Internal Hard Drive Bare D   如果這38幅照片你全沒看錯的話,恭喜你!你擁有冷靜的思維、敏銳的視覺及純真的心靈!來接受挑戰吧,別以為很容易, 第17幅圖,連Facebook官方人員也看錯當成了不雅照片;看到第24幅時立即嚇了一跳!(放心,所有相片絕無色情成份。)       &nbsPros: I bought this hard drive over nine years ago and it has been through 3 computer rebuilds. Since 80 GB isn't much space anymore, I use it primarily as a backup image drive...still working great. Cons: Can't think of any. Other Thoughts: It keeps goin...
