SATA 3Gb/s vs. 6Gb/s Cable Performance (Revisited) - Puget Custom Computers (文/陳蔚承 圖/銀偉翔) people–watching和「網紅」帶來的生活大確幸,你怎麼能不好好品嘗呢? 在美國哈佛大學開授中國文化思想及倫理相關課程,中國歷史學系教授普伊特(Michael Puett)曾在《The AtlantIn order to debunk this myth, we examined a number of supposed SATA 3Gb/s cables and compared them to a SATA 6Gb/s cable in our SATA cables: Is there a difference? article. In that article, we found no significant physical or performance difference betwee...