sata 6 gb s Kingston HyperX 3K 120 GB SATA III 2.5-Inch 6.0 Gb/s Solid State Drive SH103S3/120G: Com▲中華賓士Mercedes-AMG 年度冠軍盛大贈車儀式 由左至右為台灣賓士業務暨行銷副總裁畢立思(Oliver Britz)、李勇德(Jeffrey Lee)及中華賓士董事總經理柏以德先生(Mr. Andreas Binder) 李勇德(Jeffrey Lee)以駕駛Mercedes-AMG GTBudget-minded gamers and enthusiasts will benefit from the lower price of Kingston's new HyperX 3K SSD. This solid-state drive combines premium 3000 program-erase cycle synchronous NAND with the second-generation SandForce controller. Its lower price mean...

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