sata 6gb hdd Seagate 1TB Desktop HDD SATA 6Gb/s 64MB Cache 3.5-Inch Internal Bare Drive (ST1000DM003) (source:Dcard,下同)   在Dcard有一名男網友分享他在wootalk上想聊「那方面」的話題,結果卻遇到佛門子弟的經歷,搞笑的你來我往笑死一大票網友了!   ▼男網友故意想測試佛門弟子的底線。   ▼結果男網友意外創作出一首詩,讓佛門弟子有些佩服。 &By now the world knows that Seagate Barracuda 7200 drives, from the world's premier storage provider, deliver years of reliable service and high performance. The ideal choice for workstations, desktop RAID, gaming PCs, high-end PCs, mainstream PCs and USB...

全文閱讀 Seagate 500GB Desktop HDD SATA 6Gb/s 16MB Cache 3.5-Inch Internal Bare Drive (ST500DM002近日網友在Dcard上分享一篇「那一晚,哥哥...」的文章,吸引很多網友的同情點進去看文章,郤沒想到故事與想像中的不一樣,看完網友罵說:「準備為妳痛心了,妳給我看這個。」 (Sourse: Dcard ),本文圖片皆源於同處 「哥哥都會不顧我的意願突然撲過來」,原來網友都被誤導了,其實只是寵物在玩。By now the world knows that Seagate Barracuda 7200 drives, from the world's premier storage provider, deliver years of reliable service and high performance. The ideal choice for workstations, desktop RAID, gaming PCs, high-end PCs, mainstream PCs and USB...


SATA 6Gb/s HDD not detected in Rampage III Extreme BIOS 圖片轉自批踢踢下同 批踢踢上總受隱藏著各種神人 日前有位網友在批踢踢上問卦 應該是剛開學的關係,所以許多的"學長"都開始發情 他問卦說已經開學一陣子了,目前有幾位學妹是他的菜 不知道該怎麼樣才能要到學妹的賴(line) 這麼無聊的問題竟然還真的有人認真回答他 還畫了超精美的圖片!!! 網友表示:「I bought a WD Caviar Black SATA 6Gb/s HDD and it is not being detected. I have 2 older SATA II HDDs and they work fine (and they've worked fine for the past 3 years). For the new HDD, I can hear the disk spinning (so not DOA right?). I've also tried both ...


Sata 6Gb/s HDD at sata 3Gb/s speeds - Hard Drives - Storage你可以從這照片中看出任何Bug嗎? (source:Mailonline)本文圖片皆出自同處。 這張照片原本是在上傳在美國Imgur網站,但是最近,又被網友們翻出來,因為,他們發現這張照片很不對勁!   仔細一看,這3個女人似乎是「空坐」在空氣中,根本沒有椅子阿!(為什麼坐得那麼舒適...Hi, Would a sata 6Gb/s drive that runs well below the max speed of sata 3Gb/s give the same performance on both or would the 3Gb/s still be worse? what are the factors in this?...


Seagate Barracuda 500GB 7200RPM SATA 6Gb/s 16MB Cache - OEM (ST500DM002) HDD [ST500DM002]▲低俗!辣模強脫大叔褲,爬到身上演活春宮。(圖/翻攝自YouTube)大陸商家為加強宣傳,竟演出低俗戲碼,影片引起網友熱議,許多網友相當不解此事,直呼「太沒水準了」。 大陸網友日前傳一部「辣眼!大叔被比基尼模特揩油,遭扒褲子騎身狂扭」的影片,影片中可見,兩名身穿黑色比基尼的模特兒在舞台上扭腰擺臀,隨500GB Capacity, SATA 6Gb/s Interface, 7200RPM Spin Speed, 8.5ms Average Seek Time, 16MB Cache, 2 Year Warranty. ** Backwards compatible with SATA-II ** ... Combining proven components, state-of-the-art technology and industry-leading manufacturing ......


I have an SATA 3gb/s Motherboard Can I install a 6gb/s hdd [Solved] - Hard Drives - Storage (source:Dcard,下同)   男生常常以自己那部位很大為自豪,甚至喜歡到處炫耀或吹噓。但是,你知道如果尺寸超乎常人,其實也有很多痛苦的事嗎? Dcard有名男網友列出6大點「巨根男」的困擾,包括「有反應的時候不能做任何動作」、「穿寬鬆的內褲就會有反應」、「早上想方便時很難對準馬I have an SATA 3gb/s Motherboard Can I install a 6gb/s hdd I Also Want To Know That How Much Read And Write Speed It Will Have ... 3/6gb refers to the buffer to sata interface speeds. They are forward/backward compatible. On a hard drive, the mechanical ....
