Landon - Save and Sound (Lyrics on sreen) - YouTube有一位教授在上倫理課,他告訴同學們如何提醒別人一些尷尬的事情比如說如果你們看見女孩子屁股上有草屑,你們應該委婉地說:姑娘,你的肩上有草屑,這樣女孩子往肩部看時,然后向下看就會看見了這時一個女學生舉手站了起來,說:教授,你領帶的拉鏈開了!一劇場裏,演出正在進行。 一位觀眾站起來沿著一排座位走進了廁所。I made this slideshow with lyrics on screen to the song you can read above. It's the sixth slideshow and a very slow and sad song this time. The original is by Taylor Swift but I kind of liked this version better, you can find, and buy the song here: http...