可憐阿 男子花200萬與美女結婚...新娘拿錢去酒店包養『少爺』...
Bap - No Mercy lyrics | LyricsMode.com - LyricsMode - Lyrics, explanations and meanings for more tha 為了討“富貴妻”的歡心,小武(化名)婚前婚後匯了51萬元。可打從登記後,妻子不僅未曾盡過一次義務,居然還拿著這些錢去夜場包養“少爺”!兩人矛盾不斷升級,並鬧上法庭。5日,此案在廣州中院二審開庭。 結婚當天被趕回廣州 &nbNo Mercy lyrics by Bap: [Zelo] Yeah, sounds good / We fly here B.A.P, leggo / [All] Boom, clap! Boom boom, clap / Boom, clap! Boom boom, ... Hey! It's useful. If this song really means something special to you, describe your feelings and thoughts. Don't h...