SMG 日全食直播雷人語錄
Justin Bieber - Forever (New 2011 Song) Lyrics (Download) - YouTube1 某個觀測點因為有雲,看不到日全食。男主持:「現在有雲看不到日食,等下太陽完全被遮住的時候,應該可以看到星星吧?」教授:「看不到。」男主持:「可以看到吧,到時候天會完全暗下來。」教授:「…..厄…如果日食都看不到的話,星星也不可能看到的。」(教授估計也崩潰了) Follow me on twiiter :D!/clodaghcaffrey (Note; This song was from 2009 I changed the pitch due to copyright, I own NOTHING!) Lyrics :) I think i found my girl, if it's you then holla! Think i found my girl, if it's you then holla! Thi...