say move f2

Nonsense Poems - Home 【JUKSY x Polysh,原文在此】 徐志摩的名言「數大便是美」,不論是繁星或是山峰樹海,同型態的物件遍野滿地時就成了一種規則的美感。但下圖成千上萬灰麻色並齊的物體,到底是什麼呢?沒想到竟是一輛輛賣不出去的新車! 每年將近約 60 萬台車被生產,而賣不出去卻又良好的新車如何處置呢?車商不斷購Language Humour: Nonsense Poems ... The Spangled Pandemonium The spangled pandemonium Is missing form the zoo. He bent the bars the barest bit, And slithered glibly through....


How To Be An Alien - Home 兩名五官深邃打扮入時的伊朗女孩,在車上唱歌、自拍,唱得高興還開始擺姿勢。手鬆開方向盤沒多久,悲劇就發生了,還好是輕傷。兩人到了醫院,還要很時髦地拍照。【本文出處,更多精采內容請上;JUKSY官方粉絲團。如欲轉載,請標明原文網址及出處。Humour: "How To Be An Alien" - By George Mikes ... Examples for conversation For Good Weather For Bad Weather "Lovely day, isn't it?" "Isn't it beautiful?" "The sun ..." "Isn't it gorgeous?"...


Review: Nikkor 135mm F2.0D DC AF Lens on D800 « Nikon Rumors Forum有個妹子大家原本覺得他大概沒救了 不過因為他真的很想找到一個好歸宿,決定請P大神幫她P一張相親圖 前提是:不要失真太多就好 以下就是大神幫她P過的圖.... 傻眼了吧~~~~ 還有一張 是不是真的差很多呢? 看來....找好的P大神真的很重要。 在這裡祝福這位妹子早日找到好歸宿。  The new Nikon Rumors Forum is now live at This forum is now in "read only" mode until I figure a proper way to import all data over to the new platform. Please register over at the new forum....


Nikon F2 Cameras - Photography, Cameras and Taking Better Pictur 福建省晉江市震驚世界的婚禮了,看了以後男人都木法活了。也有一個好處,男人看了之後為了自己以後的老婆會好好奮鬥,給她一個難忘、隆重的婚禮…… 激發你的鬥志! 福建省晉江市震驚世界的婚禮大道上的一個結婚車隊。法拉利黃色F360-3450萬(停產)碳黑F430-3600萬黑色All of the various versions of the Nikon F2 were the world's top professional 35mm SLRs from 1971 through 1980, and by some people's recollection, the top 35mm SLR of all time. The Nikon F2 is so good that many photographers — including myself — preferred...


Thoughts on 200-400mm f4 vs 400mm f2.8 vs 600mm f4 « Nikon Rumors Forum瓷房子,是天津市內一座用多件古董裝修而成的法式洋樓。瓷房子主人兼設計者張連志用自己收藏和蒐集的四千多件古瓷器、四百多件漢白玉石雕、四十多噸水晶石與瑪瑙,七億多古瓷片裝飾而成,如今,這座房子身價已高達98億元。   瓷房子。 房頂上的china字樣。 房子主人張連志被很多人視為古董狂人,瓷房The one person that comes to mind that can help you the most regarding these amazing lenses is: msmoto. I'm sure she will be able to point you in the right direction. With that said, ricochet has a good point...we await your response. Lastly, before you m...


Fujifilm announces XF 16-55mm F2.8 R LM WR lens: Digital Photography Review你一定看過也聽過草泥馬 那...有聽過看過草泥豬嗎..? 原來世界上還有這樣一種生物:綿羊豬。也叫草泥豬!!它的英文名叫Sheep-pig,是一種身上長著「羊毛」的豬!原產自匈牙利和奧地利,曾經在英國的林肯郡也很常見。跟羊一樣,它也可剪毛,剪掉的毛可以做成羊毛衫~多麼酷的一種豬啊!「轉」  Fujifilm has officially released its XF 16-55mm F2.8 R LM WR lens (say that three times fast), which the company teased on last year's lens roadmap. The 16-55mm is equivalent to 24-84mm when mounted on an X-series body and offers an internal focusing syst...
