Free online Dictionary of English Pronunciation - How to Pronounce English words 在2014年的美國,我們有著一套標準的約炮習俗:在吧台亂轉尋找靚麗的陌生人,然後給你買杯酒,期待和你能有友好的交流,然後,來一炮。對於局外人來說,當代的性習俗看起來比較奇特,但要是挖掘史書,你會發現,在過去的那些年代,世界各地的性習俗才叫奇特呢。 1、在夏威夷人的原始文化里,每個When your entry appears in pink, mouse over to hear it pronounced. Create lists of up to 15 entries like this: cat;cart;cut;caught etc. ... A free online Talking English Pronunciation Dictionary - simply mouseover/tap your entry to hear it pronounced. Ame...