DR.Martens品牌概念店在台開幕,原汁原味移植英國原廠裝潢,推出 RUGGED 粗獷系列 涼鞋
Scala, Inc - Official Site 台北第一間獨立專屬Dr. Martens的品牌概念店於5月14日正式開幕,並以巨星登場的氣勢進駐台灣潮流聖地西門町;全店以原汁原味的設計風格,移植英國本土經典的搖滾元素,濃烈的英倫另類時尚,等著消費者來朝聖。 開幕記者會當天,特別邀請Dr. Martens亞洲區總經理 Darren Tso來台,分“Scala Designer, as well as Content Manager, Player and Ad Manager are among the most comprehensive in the market. The end-to-end solution gives users the ability to create and refresh content to keep it relevant, engaging and informative.” - Frost & Sull...