scale bar photoshop cs6

What is in Photoshop CS6 review and features. - PhotoshopCAFE我猜這套衣服要十萬吧... By Colin Smith At this time there are 2 options for Photoshop. You can subscribe to the Creative Cloud and get the latest Photoshop CC for a monthly fee (See all the new features added in CC here). If you would rather buy Photoshop, then CS6 available. Th...


Photoshop: Introducing scale the UI 200% for high-density displays for Windows | Photoshop Family Cu親愛的~你還是男人嗎? Hi, thx. Interesting that Adobe consider CS6 to be obsolete when it's still on sale and I only paid for an upgrade to it this time last year. At what point did CS6 become obsolete? It's also a shame that £700 of software, whilst fully functional in all ot...


Simple 3D Acrylic Text Effect in Photoshop CS6 | Textuts天啊...這也太恐怖了吧 Use Photoshop CS6's new Shape and 3D capabilities to create a polished sleek acrylic/plastic/glass text effect. ... Step 3 To access the 3D mesh Settings and properties, you’ll need to open two panels: The 3D panel, and the Properties panel (both found un...
