science magazine

Science Signaling 小編也要來問問另一半...... 已準備好鋼鐵之心了!任何答案我都扛得住!Q_Q ----------------------------Dcard原文:更新 DCARD都是騙人的....前幾天在狄卡上看到一篇在說一對情侶很甜蜜的對話內容就是女生問男生說:「如果我結婚你會來嗎?」男生就回:「會啊」Resources in the field offered by Science Online. Requires registration, and subscription fee for most content....


Science/AAAS | News - Up to the minute news and features from Science   霸氣閃光可愛啊!! 我也想看~~~~~~第一次想被閃=///= ------------------------------------------------------- Dcard原文   是這樣的原PO平常都會跟男友一起出去逛街然後很偶爾才會放點閃但都會先觀察四周&Development threatens home of early humans A rare record of ancient culture, left by early Homo sapiens in a South African cave, is at risk. Spending bills put NIH on track for biggest raise in 12 years House and Senate also want to resurrect canceled Nat...


American Association for the Advancement of Science - Official Site 圖片來源 有名網友正剛買好晚餐回房間準備享用的時候 房門突然被猛敲 開門一看是個女孩劈頭就罵! 最後竟然.... 以下為原文 回到房間準備享受晚餐時這時房門傳來叩叩叩的聲響想說奇怪 現在這個時間會是誰..從房門上的洞口看出去ㄟˊ 她是?後來想到好像是我們學校的學生平時還會在學校看到幾次於是我就開了Research news, issue papers. Educational programs, science policy (U.S. and international)....


Nature - Official Site 真的,要結婚就不要吃爸媽夠夠!父母不可能照顧兒女一輩子... 怎麼可以事事都麻煩家人!真是身在福中不知福 父母真的很偉大!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------靠北老婆FB原文靠北Catalogue of journals and science resources, including the journal Nature. Publishes science news and articles across a wide range of scientific fields....


Scientific American - Official Site   :'( 看了真的很難過,還好你走出來了 最後兩句話真的講得很好 不好的過去了,屬於妳的一定會來的! 更要懂得改變自己 珍惜擁有的幸福! --------------------------------------------- 靠北老公  我是來靠北我的前一段婚姻的 長文 Monthly magazine of science. Website includes articles from past issues....


New Scientist - Official Site   兩人可以先好好談談,也要問問弟弟對姐夫這些行為的感覺? 老公可以問一下心理咨詢     ------------------------------------------   原PO: 剛開始跟老公在一起沒多久時 偶然發現有人穿訊息給他稱呼他&ldquScience and technology news from the weekly magazine includes daily updates from around the world. Includes Hot Topics, interviews, book reviews and job listings....
