scott airline

How US Airways Just Lost Yet Another Customer | Scott Kelby's Photoshop Insider一家汽車旅館的車庫排列了多部名牌轎車,一位開著雙B跑車的年輕人見到後興奮的問老闆:哇!行家喔 !買了這麼多部車一定花不少錢.....老闆回答:這沒什麼,都是打賭贏來的!年輕人開始好奇,打賭?賭什麼?老闆就說:只要我六歲的小男孩做什麼,你只要能跟著做,那車庫裡的車隨便一部你開走;如果做不到那你的車子就It is amazing how short sighted companies can be. What this airline does not understand is the concept of viral marketing. Scott, this blog is read by, and influences thousands of people. Your bad experience with US Airways will greatly influence my trave...


Air Line Pilots Association, International - Official Site一隻蛇與一隻兔子在森林中的叉路相撞,兩人爭吵一陣後竟發現 ,彼此都是個瞎子,便惺惺相惜了起來。蛇泣道:「我從小就沒了父母, 連水中的倒影也看不見,到現在我還不曉得我是什麼動物。」「我也是耶!」 兔子也感傷的說:「我也不知道自己長什麼樣子.....」一陣長談,蛇想出了一個點子 ,它向兔子道:「我想到了The Air Line Pilots Association, International (ALPA) is the largest airline pilot union in the world and represents more than 52,000 pilots at 31 U.S. and Canadian airlines. Founded in 1931, the Association is chartered by the AFL-CIO and the Canadian La...


How to avoid fees on Spirit Airlines | Nik Scott - YouTube在一家酒吧裡,兩位酒客在聊天。酒客甲:你是哪裡來的?酒客乙:岡山。酒客甲:好巧,我也是岡山來的,來,為岡山喝一杯。酒客乙:當然。酒客甲:你是岡山哪條街?酒客乙:中正路。酒客甲:真巧,我也是岡山中正路的,來,為岡山中正路喝一 杯。酒客乙:當然。酒客甲:你讀哪間小學?酒客乙:中正國小,62 年畢業。酒客So, we finally did it. We actually flew Spirit Airlines and DIDN'T end up paying an arm and a leg! The flight was THAT bad, actually. The seats are squishy and they do try to stick you for ALL your paper, BUT. We did it! We, a family of 4, successfully av...


What The American Airlines-US Airways Merger Will Mean For Your Frequent Flyer Miles | Scott Keyes星期六早上,老王打完了高爾夫球後,突然想到忘記告訴老婆有個修理洗衣機的工人要到他們家,於是就匆忙趕回俱樂部打公共電話回家。「 喂,是誰?」電話傳來一個小女孩的聲音。 「喂,我是老爸,妳叫媽媽接一下好嗎?」「媽媽跟陳叔叔在房間裡,我去叫她。」「甚麼!哪有甚麼陳叔叔!?」老王可急了,想要知道是If you fly American Airlines or US Airways with any regularity, news of the merger between the two airlines could have you worried about your frequent flyer miles. Don't worry. You won't lose any. They'll be fine. While many of the merger details have yet...


Southwest and AirTran Airlines: Mergers and Aggravations - WSJ中文堂上,老師很生氣地教訓學生.老師 : 大家留意, 以後的作文, 週記, 拜託用文雅字句,不要用廣東俗話(因為是香港),沒有人明白你寫什麼東西 !!一星期後, 小明的週記這樣寫.昨天我出街玩, 正在過馬路, 沒有留意綠色行人過路燈有沒有亮著,忽然間, 有輛集裝箱車衝出來, 幸好駕駛員叔叔能急停下來Last year United drove its customers crazy as it tried to line up its systems with Continental's. Now customers are complaining about the effects of the marriage of Southwest and AirTran. Scott McCartney looks at the details....


FlightAware > Discussions笑笑快樂又一天老婆遲了一個月 一天,老婆對老公說:Baby,我那個已經遲了一個月了,會不會是懷孕了... 老公說:親愛的,先別著急,過幾天我們去看了醫生再說。 第二天 台電的員工上門來催繳: "小姐,你已經遲了一個月了....,請趕快處理掉,不然會讓FlightAware Discussions : Free IFR Aircraft Flight Tracker: Status, Tracking, History, Graphs, and Maps: Discussion Forums ... Forum Topics Posts Last post FlightAware Announcements Official FlightAware Announcements and Notifications 71 81 Mon Oct ......
