SCOTT Sports - Official Site 《陰屍路》開播至今已經進入第6年,主要演員也各自已經累積了許多支持的粉絲,不過在這部當紅電視劇中,其實還有個大功臣是大家長期忽略的-殭屍,今天妞編輯就要帶大家看看,《陰屍路》的殭屍,有什麼幕後的小秘密呢~ Source: The Walking Dead: 10 Times Glenn We were recently in Massa Vecchia with the likes of Brendan Fairclough, Rémy absalon, Rudi Biedermann and the rest of the SCOTT Crew to launch our brand new 2016 Plus bikes. With varied conditions, this launch turned into one hell of a shred-fest!...