SCP-096 - SCP Foundation 金錢的誘惑真的讓人很難把持,即便如此也不能做出違背良心的事!為了測試人們的貪婪,知名的YouTube頻道JoshPalerLin做了一個社會實驗,他在路人面前假裝刮中刮刮樂,然後再故意把中獎的刮刮樂弄掉,看看人們是否會誠實歸還,不只是場人性大考驗,還是非常讓人心寒的實驗! (圖片翻攝Item #: SCP-096 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-096 is to be contained in its cell, a 5 m x 5 m x 5 m airtight steel cube, at all times. Weekly checks for any cracks or holes are mandatory. There are to be absolutely no video ......