
SCP-689 - SCP Foundation 世界上總是有一些很怪的事 就以戀愛來說ㄅ....    有時當你愛上一人 你會無時無刻的想到他的身影   當你孤單時 會希望陪在你身邊的也是他   如果是單戀的話 膽小一些的人 會偷偷的躲起來看著他   等啊等 一直到最後關頭才會放棄 這種人說真的Item #: SCP-689 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: SCP-689 is to be contained in a large concrete chamber equipped with high-intensity sodium iodide lights. These lights must be wired to separate redundant circuits such that SCP-689 is .....


SCP系列 - 1 - SCP基金會 活到現在,我才知道原來女性過於獨立自主,也是一種被嫌棄的理由... 有一天,我朋友哭著跟我說,她和男朋友分手了。我頗為驚訝,畢竟他們交往了三年,而且感情十分穩定。於是我向她了解原因,聽完後,我發覺分手的原因相當可笑。然後我告訴她這種男人不要也罷! 我那位朋友個性十分獨立自主,有自己的思想和處事方式Content Archives Joke SCPs - Some of the best articles on the site are clever and funny. Make sure yours is before you add it. Archived SCPs - SCPs preserved due to their use in a Foundation Tale or because of staff purview. Decommissioned SCPs - SCPs tha...


SCP Series - SCP Foundation 會令你想交往一輩子的朋友到底有幾個所謂一輩子的朋友並不代表一定天天見面而是以某種行式一輩子相互扶持試著以對待一輩子朋友的態度來對待初識的人  人沒有自卑感就顯現不出魅力一旦能自信的面對自卑之處魅力便會產生有了自信人生便會完全改觀  這個月除了雜誌你看了幾本書今年到目前此為止你看Content Archives Joke SCPs - Some of the best articles on the site are clever and funny. Make sure yours is before you add it. Archived SCPs - SCPs preserved due to their use in a Foundation Tale or because of staff purview. SCP-EX - These are SCPs which ...


SCP-682 - SCP Foundation 一、搬弄是非 哪個男人會喜歡人家稱自己的女朋友為八婆、長舌婦呢?所以,經常在人前說長道短,揭人隱私的女孩子,只會令男朋友覺得她是一個無聊小氣的蠢婦,甚至以她為羞。 二、自命矜貴 有些女子總以為讓男朋友知道自己還有很多男士追,對方便會覺得自己更矜貴,並且對她更為著緊,所以,她經常在言語間暗示自己仍有Addendum 682-E: Termination Options: Log of event 682-E18: Dr. attempts to use SCP-409 on SCP-682. General , General , and Dr. observing. 0400: Exposure. SCP-682 began to tear at the point of contact, causing massive trauma to the ......


SCP-895 - SCP - Containment Breach Wiki - Wikia 情人的溫柔,是透過學習與體會而來的。 善用愛情能量,讓愛情呈現快樂與美好。 生活是一種學習,愛情也是。     有一個廣告詞說:「我是做爸爸之後才學會怎麼做爸爸的。」 換個句子來說,很多人也是在「做情人之後才學會怎麼做情人的。」 你交了第一位女朋友,用你以為最真誠最特別的關懷去SCP-895, nicknamed "Camera Disruption", is an SCP that can be encountered in SCP - Containment... ... Description Edit SCP-895 is an ornate oak coffin recovered from an unspecified mortuary by SCP personnel following reports of unusual footage captured by...


SCP-106 - SCP - Containment Breach Wiki - Wikia 愛怕撒謊愛是需要真誠的雨露去澆灌,愛也需要信任的陽光去普照。 當你不愛一個人時,你卻假裝愛他,那不僅你累,他也累,是一件痛苦而又倒楣的事情。 金錢可以退還,但是你欺騙了愛情,那你就是個欺騙感情的人,要背負負心的罪名,假使你沒有被識破,那除非你有鐵石心腸可以承受心靈的譴責,不然就SCP-106 who is named the old man is a scary man and the second bad guy of the game. SCP-106 is... ... Description SCP-106 is an old man, that looks like an old man with a good jacket. SCP-106 is not very strong, but he's strong enough to kill you after ga...
