Screen Capture Tools: 40+ Free Tools and Techniques 根據研究統計在日本東京每年將近就有4000筆孤獨老去的死亡案例,並且這個驚人的數字不僅沒有停止還有逐漸上昇趨勢。除了日本,我們都相信在其他國家社會邊緣化嚴重程度更是不可忽略的重要議題。 在日文中有句單字「Kodokushi」意旨孤獨死一詞。凡是一個人在家中發生意外、病發,在無人得知的情況下,獨自一Screen capture, or print screen is perhaps the most efficient way to share whatever appears on your desktop. They help tech users like us to share and communicate better with friends and peers. Major operating systems today comes with basic screen capture...