How to connect sony xperia z screen mirroring to b... - Sony's Community Site 1954年在洛杉磯長灘舉行環球小姐選美大賽,突然一名佳麗抗不住日曬暈了過去,其他佳麗看着笑了笑(難道在想又少一個對手?) 20年代的蘇聯浮誇風,養豬賽大象!但圖中這「豬」是假的,不要當真了。 有人可能看過這種照片。左邊戴帽子的是普京大帝。年紀i have my phone(wifi) and tv(lan) connected to the same network. i can use the throw feature . but how do i use the screen mirroring feature. ... Hi Karthik, What is the complete model number of the TV ? T he One Touch Mirroring feature is not available w...