路邊捕捉兇狠睡美人 胸口開很大...放大看竟然有亮點!
Screen Capture Software for Windows, Mac, and Chrome | Snagit 翻拍ck101下同 最近小弟在草榴論壇上看到有人分享了一位睡美人,並且po文求神。鄉民在回家路上捕捉到一位正妹胸口開很大,側躺在兩張小椅子上熟睡了....這張照片一po出,受到廣大大陸網友的點讚和瘋傳。網友讃道:「這位正妹治好了我多年的頸椎病!」「好像脾氣不太好」「穿成這樣真的很犯規!」「乳量驚人Snagit screen capture allows you to grab an image or video of what you see on your computer screen, add effects, and share with anyone. ... Sometimes words aren’t enough. Use images and videos to show people exactly what you’re seeing. Snagit gives you an...