「該死的可愛!」全球最時尚家庭次子 Romeo Beckham 強勢回歸 Burberry 2014
10 Clever Screen Recording Tools for Mac « Mac.AppStorm 前兩日 Burberry 在 instagram 上發布一張照片,立即掀起了廣大迴響,造成萬千粉絲期待!到底是什麼消息讓大家如此瘋狂呢?原來是 2014 全球最時尚家庭票選第一名 Beckham family 的 Romeo Beckham 再度參與 Burberry 的 20Video tutorials seem to be appearing everywhere at present, and recently I’ve been researching the best ways to record and process screen recording videos on a Mac. There are plenty of recording and capturing tools out there, but they vary in their functi...