scroogled campaign fail

Scroogled isn't dead, it's just beginning          神父:「你想跟上帝說什麼嗎?」病床上的老人似乎很想說些什麼,但衹能作出痛苦的表情,連一句話都說不出來。神父趕緊拿了紙和筆遞給老人說:「不要緊。你可以寫出來。」老人去世後,神父大聲朗讀老人的臨終遺言:「該死的神父。。。。。。你踩著我Contrary to rumors yesterday, Microsoft has not abandoned its "Scroogled" marketing campaign, despite sharp criticisms. ... What Microsoft seems to fail to acknowledge is that being a Gmail or Google search user is both a choice and a necessity. Like In m...


How Microsoft Scroogled Itself |      有一個滿身酒氣的醉漢上了一班公共汽車,他坐在一個神父旁邊。那個醉漢的襯衫很髒,他的臉上有女人的亮紅唇印,口袋裏還放了空酒瓶,他拿出他的報紙閱讀,過了一會兒,他問神父說:「神父,得關節炎的原因是什麼?」「這位先生,它是因為浪費生命、和妓女鬼混、酗酒和不自重所引Over at The New Republic, Lydia Depillis has a good piece on Microsoft's "Scroogled" campaign, ... Even if they fail to live up to that standard at times, they do seem to really try to live by it. I don't think scanning emails to show you relevant ads is ...


Microsoft Dropping "Scroogled" Ads That Attack Google宿舍晚上十點後燈火管制,學生只能摸黑洗臉、刷牙A進浴室後問:B室友在嗎:B:在啊!A:洗面乳可否借我?B:請便?A:泡沫很細,而且很清涼,這是那一牌子?B:高露潔一位放假中的空服員搭乘波音的飛機,準備到歐洲去渡假。 飛機當時經過暴風雨地帶,搖晃的非常厲害。 她的旁邊坐了一位男士緊The Scroogled campaign was widely believed to be the brainchild of former Hillary Clinton campaign manager and Microsoft strategy ... and staid old organizations founded by Harvard attendees fail to put management behavior inside the data driven experimen...


Microsoft launches 'Don’t Get Scroogled by Gmail' campaign to stop Google 'going through personal em搖頭丸的故事話說有一天,小明在班上挖鼻屎這時候小強經過了小強:『看!小明在挖鼻屎阿!!!』這時候小明緊張了,他怕大家知道他在挖鼻屎小明:『這不是鼻屎,這是搖頭丸!!!』小強:『你喇叭我!大家快來看他的搖頭丸喔!』然後小明就把那顆鼻屎彈到小強頭上於是小強就開始瘋狂搖頭……眾The purpose of the campaign, according to the software firm, is to "educate consumers that Google goes through their personal emails to sell ads". Don't Get Scroogled by Gmail is aimed at American Gmail users and is supported by a GfK Roper study ......


Did Microsoft just kill its anti-Google 'Scroogled' campaign? | ZDNet某日,大寶氣沖沖的跑去找小寶… 大寶:「小寶,你說!你為什麼偷看我的日記?」 小寶:「咿?你怎麼知道我偷看你的日記啊?」 大寶:「廢話!因為你的日記上寫的啊!」上課已經好一會兒了,阿呆匆匆忙忙的跑進教室… 但是他卻又馬上站了起來,準備走出教室。 這時,老師開始大罵:「不要When I asked Microsoft if the Scroogled campaign is, indeed, over and when the decision was made to pull the plug, ... I guess all the rest is not true as the form of the ads are deceiving and fail to explain why is that bad. GotThumbs who doesn't underst...


Undeterred By Failure, Microsoft Vows To 'Scroogle' Google Some More - ReadWrite公交車上,站著的孕婦對身旁坐著的陌生男子說:「你不知道我懷孕了嗎?」 只見男子很緊張的樣子道:「可孩子不是我的呀!」We have always planned to run the Scroogled campaign until the end of time — or until we triumph over Google. ... Google's FTC Settlement: Another Epic Fail For Microsoft Microsoft's nutso obsession with Google led it to wage an exhausting and Now the ......
