不買東西?我覺得不行 2017漫畫博覽會@台北世貿一館 漫博盛況萌編帶你逛!
SD Gundam - The Gundam Wiki - Wikia原文出處: 萌咩誌 編輯:鴉小編 萌友們呀比~我是鴉小編(‘ω’)ノ說到動漫粉粉在夏天一定要參加的動漫盛會,莫過於漫畫博覽會囉(●^o^●)集合國內ACG等出版代理廠商的最新周邊產品怒展一波,讓大家買好買滿的這個年度大展,萌咩誌的編編們當然要出動啦!就先Super Deformed Gundam or SD Gundam originated from a contributed illustration of a junior high... ... Super Deformed Gundam or SD Gundam originated from a contributed illustration of a junior high school student from Nagoya by the name of Koji Yokoi to th...