SD Gundam - The Gundam Wiki - Wikia 福州的林先生喜得一對龍鳳胎,回莆田老家醫院辦理出生證明時,林先生在姓名欄上鄭重地填下“林志穎”、“林志玲”,兄妹倆自此有了“明星名兒”。 醫生和親朋都覺得兄妹倆的名字特別有個性。 結果網友吐槽了:再生老三是應該取名叫Super Deformed Gundam or SD Gundam originated from a contributed illustration of a junior high... ... Super Deformed Gundam or SD Gundam originated from a contributed illustration of a junior high school student from Nagoya by the name of Koji Yokoi to th...