Angry Birds Transformers - SD Red Bird Optimus Prime Free Papercraft Download | PaperCraftSquare.com小叮噹: ㄟ你們很過分耶每次找我猜拳都出布QOO: 你們才過分勒,明知我有兔唇還說我酷~賤兔: 我才慘勒,一天到晚被罵賤....凱蒂貓 : (不語.....)小叮噹: ㄟ! 凱蒂貓你也說說話阿~QOO: 對阿! 凱蒂貓你評評理啊.~賤兔:對ㄚ.This papercraft is a SD Red Bird Optimus Prime, the main protagonist in the Angry Birds Transformers, which is the tenth installment in the Angry Birds series, ... This papercraft is a SD Red Bird Optimus Prime, the main protagonist in the Angry Birds Tra...