真的不是情色片海報 American Apparel再推爭議廣告
Secure Digital - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 也許你之前有看過American Apparel的廣告風格(沒看過的可以看這裡),賣弄性感已經不是第一次,但這次他們更突破底線,廣告裡幾乎都看不到主商品(是牛仔褲),只在孟加拉裔模特Maks胸前打上「Made in Bangladesh」。其實American Apparel堅持美國原汁原味製造,Secure Digital (SD) is a nonvolatile memory card used extensively in portable devices, such as mobile phones, digital cameras, GPS navigation devices, handheld consoles, and tablet computers. It is a family of solid-state storage media. The Secure Digital...