疊加過後的誘惑~韓國的繪畫藝術家Lee Ho-Ryon油畫作品
Sony Ericsson :: SE T700 What Is Latest Firmware? 別跟我談正經,畢竟這也不是色情。假如真有反應那隻能說明是我們的本能在起作用,這個誰也阻擋不了,誰讓咱是個正常的人類呢。來自韓國的繪畫藝術家Lee, Ho-Ryon用細膩又清新的手法創作了這一系列帶有挑逗氣息的油畫作品,在收筆劃完之後,他用Photoshop又將每幅作品進行了微小的疊加調整。 疊加過Feb 11, 2009 Im a user of T700 from the Philippines and my current firmware is R3DA028. Can anyone please help me on how to upgrade my phones firmware? What is the latest firmware for T700? where can I download the latest firmware? View 3 Replies...