2013全球時尚都市排名 亞洲上海擠前10首爾吊車尾
Gold Coast Resort Accommodation & Family Holiday Packages | Sea World Resort 二月全球時尚圈忙得焦頭爛額,設計師、超模、時尚名人、藝人到處趴趴走,2014紐約時裝週剛剛在酷寒中結束,倫敦時裝週接著在浪漫情人節開幕。裝週展在秀場看的是流行趨勢,而美國Global Language Monitor(GLM)調查機構公佈的2013年時尚都市排名看的又是另一回事。GLM長期追蹤全球Sea World Resort is the heart of fun & adventure on the Gold Coast, with family accommodation & holiday packages to the Big 3 theme parks. Reserve your stay today! ... Stay at Australia's only theme park resort, right next door to Sea World. It's the ulti...