Season - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 國外日前流傳一段影片,面貌姣好的正妹球迷Kaleigh Lambert在比賽中愛撫身旁男子的頭,被攝影機拍到後,緊張的縮回手。這讓許多網友懷疑她可能正在「做壞事」才如此心虛。 每日郵報找到這名球迷,發現其實Lambert當時撫摸的是正牌男友Colton Mulholland,她解釋,當時是因為支持A season is a division of the year, marked by changes in weather, ecology and hours of daylight. Seasons result from the yearly orbit of the Earth around the Sun and the tilt of the Earth's rotational axis relative to the plane of the orbit.[1][2] In temp...