SEC Blog - ESPN - ESPN: The Worldwide Leader In Sports 身為頭號路痴的編輯,每次旅行不可缺少的就是 google map 大神了,雖然有些人覺得問路人也可以,但有些語言不通的國家,溝通上又是另一個問題。因此 google map 就成了沒方向感旅人的救星,但各位有沒有想過在沒有網路的時代,大家都怎麼面對現今看來再尋常不過的Picking the best 25 players in the SEC wasn’t easy. Once you get past the top 5 and the top 10, things become muddied. You start comparing first halves of seasons versus second halves and the value of play during conference games against overall numbers....