The Not So Secret Life of An Adoptee 話說,你有沒有想過,如果自己出現在動畫片中,會是怎樣一個形象? 一般人也許連想想都覺得挺困難,但是有個設計師,卻能分毫不差地做出來。 他叫Lance Phan,是一名來自越南的3D美術師, 最開始,他找了幾個真人的照片,只是為了做個試驗,做出來看看卡通效果咋樣。 結果,#ThingsAdoptiveParentsSay...that shouldn't be said ever again. I know what it feels like to not know my birth family; my dad walked out on us. Adoption trauma isn't real. It is just a feeling that will pass. My child tells me all the time how thankful he ...